Scheduled Weekend Construction – City of Chattanooga
E 8th Street
E 8th Street between Market Street and Cherry Street will be closed Saturday, April 10th from 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM for a crane installation and lift. Please plan your route accordingly.
E 5th Street / Walnut Street Intersection
The intersection of E 5th Street and Walnut Street will be closed Saturday, April 10th from 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM for a crane installation and lift. Please plan your route accordingly.
Reggie White Blvd
Reggie White Blvd will be closed in front of the First Horizon Pavilion on Saturday, April 10th from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM to assist with pedestrian safety during Bug-A-Paluza 22 (vintage Volkswagen car show).
Upcoming Asphalt Rejuvenation
CDOT is introducing a new pavement management technique called asphalt rejuvenation to our more newly paved streets throughout the city. Being completed by contract, rejuvenation involves an application of a coating that extends the life of newly paved streets. Because the rejuvenator extends the life of our paved surfaces, it means that we save money over time and have streets that retain their newer, high quality for longer before needing to be repaved again. The application of the coating does require full access to our streets and limited use by the general public for a short period of time so we are notifying property owners, residents, and businesses in the affected areas of these upcoming short inconveniences while we perform this work. This year we are performing this work on several dozen of the streets that have been paved with a recent paving contract.
The following roads will see contract crews performing rejuvenation on FRIDAY 4/9: Covington Street, Gentry Road, Guild Trail, Patten Chapel Road, S Seminole Drive, W 47th Street
The following roads will see contract crews performing rejuvenation on MONDAY 4/12:
10th Avenue, E 32nd Street, Howard Circle, Blanchard Street, Elder Street, Marlboro Avenue, Menlo Street, N Choctaw Drive
The schedule of this project is subject to change if inclement weather takes place.